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Software Engineer Intern | TSMC

  • Built an interacting chat-bot by detecting inputs in Node.js and creating APIs in Java Spring Boot.

  • Implemented Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) systems to return a link for downloading files on remote server.

  • Built a chat-bot service using Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) to remote server and perform input UNIX commands.

  • Delivered data of desired machine ID and time range by SQL commands and converted into table format in HTML.

  • Developed a group buying platform to easily find special offers for food/drinks and earned Technology Award and Mos Popular Award on TSMC Intern Group Hackathon


2021 - 2022

M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering | UCSD

Coursework: Haskell, Machine Learning, Computer Network

2019 - 2021

B.S. in Computer Science | UCSD

Coursework: Computer Architecture, Web Mining, Database, Haskell, Reinforcing Learning, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Data Science, Data Structures, Computer Organization and Systems Programming, Object-Oriented Design

Achievements: Earl Warren College Graduation Honor Summa Cum Laude and Provost Honors for four quarters (Fall 19/Winter 20/Spring 20/Fall 20).

2017 - 2019

Computer Science | De Anza College

Coursework: Data Abstraction and Structure, Java, Python, C++, x86 Processor Assembly Language


  • Languages: Python, Java, SQL, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Haskell, Go

  • Frameworks: Linux, Github, Restful API, Firebase, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Git, JSP, Numpy, Flask

  • Developer Tools: VS Code, Eclipse, Jupyter Notebook, Android Studio

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