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Two-Player Ping-Pong Game


  • Built a terminal user interface (TUI) program with brick and vty (TUI library) which detected keyboard inputs to control vertical position of two rackets, reflected ball when hitting the rackets, ceiling, and floor, scored when hitting left or right borders, and terminated when a score of 5 is achieved.

  • Utilized System.Random library to randomly generate ball’s initial direction.

TSMC Enjoin

Python Flask, Vue.js, MongoDB

  • Designed a group buying website for TSMC employees with Vue.js, Python Flask, and MongoDB.

  • Implemented Restful API with Python Flask as back-end service running data in JSON format to interact with
    MongoDB (database) managing order data by using HTTP requests (Get/Post/Delete/Put).

  • Developed the user interface (UI) with features of login/logout, search with hashtags, and light/dark mode by using JavaScript.

Drifting Bottles (Social App)

Java, Android Studio, FireBase

  • Developed an Android application using Java and Android Studio for designing the user interface (UI) and using FireBase as our database to help people social during pandemic of COVID-19.

  • Utilized Android Location API and recorded the time when bottles were added to FireBase to generate random bottles.

  • Implemented RecyclerView Adapter to connect message data in FireBase with UI to build chat feature and search bar for filtering desired chat rooms.

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